Thursday, October 6, 2016

London, the final spot. Oh the sun, and the friends! HAZEL HUNT.

I had organised to stay with another wonderful friend Selina O'Shea, and her family. Selina and her Fiance Scott had organised to met me (they told me, I just obeyed) to at Hampton Court. WOW!!!
What a stunning stunning palace this place is. Just a few minutes from Selina's house. Just a magical place to visit, to picnic in, to play in, to just admire.
I loved this place, and could have spent days there exploring!.
Selina and I, Outside the Palace at Hampton Court
At the entrance way to the Palace

One of the many beautiful courts inside the Palace

 Just such a magical place for families. a beautiful place full of huge lawns, and magnificent gardens, and so accessible to the Public.
One of the many gardens at the back of the Palace. King Henry VIII Actually ordered this garden be dug up, and lowered, when first built, as he had lost his view to the River Thames. One of his wifes probably died that day too... 

Beautiful Ceilings are everywhere, and this was just one magnificent showing, in one of the Vestibules in the Palace
 Once the palace was done, and trip back to Selina's house and then it was time to head out to the pub for the farewell dinner. Which was essentially another Mustard/Senning group members get together!!

The Black Horse Pub. Brilliant Beer handles. Not just your average garden Spade! I had London Pride! (When in Rome..)

This was so much fun!! Four Mustard/Senning group members. A very very fitting farewell dinner. 
Well the next day, was my last full day, and really my last day, as the next day was airport only.
So what to do, Go into London and meet HAZEL HUNT!
Hazel is one of the most special people in my life. While I waited for my transplant in 2007/2008 and 2009, Hazel was the person that showed so much strength, and gave me so much strength. The power of social media, really showed its way, Hazel and I would chat almost every day, and often Hazel would message me, just to check in. More often than not, twice a day. I owe so much to Hazel. A fitting end to my travels was to spend a day with someone that means so much to me. Hazel showed me around London town, and oh boy show me around she did!! 24,000 steps later!!!

Hazel and I, at the start of the day, about 1000 steps in...

Tower Bridge, Closed for maintenance, with just a walking route open. The Dolphin and the girl statue in the foreground.

Tower Bridge was just amazing to walk over (Hazel, see what I did to the photo...!!)

The very modern London. So many very cool modern architecture designed buidlings 

The "Batman" Building. No photo's allowed. No signs saying so though, just a bloke who came out and told us so.. Oops.

Not the widest canal I've ever seen... But taking water to the view. 

I just loved this photo, with a real working London, with a Thames river working boat, right in front of St Pauls cathedral. 

Hazel took me down onto the "Beach" and I couldn't resist this photo. Probably one of my favourites from the entire trip. The colours, the shadows, the Sunny day, the bridges, and yes, the sand!
 So it was time for the London Eye. The day was absolutely stunning, with very little clouds and a beautiful clear day. All was set for a stunning 30 minutes. Including the two tickets for 1 price tag!

The views just couldn't get much better. Looking across to the Shard, and exciting night time viewing session from here beckoned both Hazel and I. 

I quickly realised that the only thing wrond with day in London, was that it wasn't a week long. Hazel is an awesome guide, there's so much she knew about this City, it was easy to get drawn into conversation about the town. 

Benjamin telling us the time from the eye.

The views from all angles in the Eye, were just magnificent.
 Hazel was explaining that London has a height restriction on a large part of it, as the Queen wanted to maintain a view of St Pauls Cathedral from Buckingham Palace. A wise decision by Queen Liz, as it has maintained the wonderful beauty of London.
Trafalger Square on what was really just a stunning day.

 Spending Lunch in Trafalgar square was brilliant, just watching the people enjoying a beautiful day, and then, it was time to go see some Wax!!

 Ran into this bloke with a licence to kill. Hazel was trying to chat him up, but I got his number. 007.

Mr Einstein trying on my hat,
We were just gonna head out for a guinness,
before the Security guy came along... 
Yeah yeah bro, I can see it to!! Might be the Southern Cross!!
Dunno what the deal is this guy... 

Not sure who these guys are, but Hazel said my kids will know...

There's only one thing to say about this. Hazels favorite topic.. BREXIT

Apparently Fred Smith from Taumarunui was here, so I thought I better catch up with one of mates, to see where he is. BHO, wouldn't tell me.. Check out the cheeky, I can neither confirm or deny grin. 

I have to say, I thoroughly enjoyed Madame Tussauds, there was so many cool things to see, and the history of London told in a travelling Black cab was also very cool. 
Once we had finished, there, it was time for a bit of a relax, a couple of pints, some selfies and then we went to hit the Shard!!

So the Shard then, On a glorious night in London. The last two days were incredible weather wise, it was very still outside, so the Shard viewing platform was going to be busy with people wanting to get the very best photo. I was pretty happy with mine.

These Next photo's don't really need much explanation. Just the sheer joy of a great view from 243 metres above the sea

And so comes the end of my day in London with Hazel, and it is was just the most amazing day with the most amazing person. Thank you Hazel, your friendship is outstanding and lifelong. Hurry up and come to NZ.

And so the day finished with a slow train trip back to Selina and Scott's place, a cuddle with their daughter Freya, A great sleep, and followed by a harrowing flight home. 24 hours non stop, with only a short break in Singapore.

My Journey has ended, this last blog, written from my lounge at home in Tauranga.

I want to finish my blog, by thanking all those friends that hosted me, I certainly could not have done this without any of you. In Order.
Kieran and Karen Sandwell, Claire Williams and Luke Hutchens, Sarah Codling and Damon Tierney, David and Debbie Wray, Vicki Bruce and Mick Hocking, Tobias Galla, Siobhan Quinn, Elizabeth Connolly (and John and Margaret Connolly) Selina O'shea and Scott Andersson. You all are just amazing, Thank you thank you thank you.

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